Warm Weather Allows for Asphalt Paving to Continue

Asphalt Paving Contractor - Annapolis Maryland - AC Paving Company

Each year around November or December, we prepare to finish on-going projects as quickly as we can to get ready for the winter weather that’s upon us.

For pavers, it’s very difficult to successfully do our jobs in below-freezing temperatures; and don’t even think about laying asphalt while it’s snowing.

Why not Winter?

When the ground is frozen, the quality of asphalt paving decreases drastically. The asphalt mix arrives hot and ready to be poured and rolled onto a soft, warm surface.

If the ground is frozen, the asphalt mix will stiffen and freeze up very quickly. This means the aggregate material embedded in the asphalt won’t settle and pack firmly, causing the contents to loosen.
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Over time, the pavement will crack and deteriorate in more places than one. To avoid a sub-par paving installation, it’s essential to have more than enough time to work with the asphalt so it’s smooth, even, and level all the way around.

Let the Paving Continue

This year has surprisingly been very warm with temperatures in the 60’s well into late December. Usually, Maryland weather isn’t as forgiving and presents us with a handful of snowfalls, starting as early as October.

With the lack of below-freezing temperatures, paving contractors have yet to attach plows to their trucks and are still able to successfully lay asphalt. When the snow does come, we’ll be ready.

In the meantime, if you’re still looking to complete a paving project before the winter really kicks in, you’re in luck. AC Paving has been able to complete paving projects that would otherwise be held off until early spring.

Don’t wait until Maryland weather hits us with a blizzard because we all know it’s bound to happen eventually.

If you’re looking to hire a professional paving contractor while the weather still allows for it, call 410-923-6100 or Get a FREE quote!